Kompetisi Sains MANSATU 2024 || Terbuka bagi Siswa Kelas 9 SMP/MTs

By Admin 27 Feb 2024, 15:35:38 WIB Pendidikan
Kompetisi Sains MANSATU 2024 || Terbuka bagi Siswa Kelas 9 SMP/MTs

Hai sobat MAN SATU,

Untuk kalian, siswa SMP/Mts kelas 9 yang suka berkompetisi, MAN 1 Tulungagung menggelar ajang prestasi KOMPETISI SAINS MANSATU 2024


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Pendaftaran : 

13-23 Februari 2024



25 Februari 2024



Heni Parmawati, S.Pd. ( 085790867029 )

Ahmad Zulfikar A., S.Pd. ( 085790262342 )

Yulis Sarita D., S.Pd. ( 082264636388 )








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Ada 11 Komentar untuk Berita Ini

  1. ERLINGGA EKA PUTRI PURWANTO 14 Feb 2024, 11:25:57 WIB


    Erlingga Eka Putri Purwanto 15 Feb 2024, 11:41:16 WIB


    ERLINGGA EKA PUTRI PURWANTO 15 Feb 2024, 20:21:04 WIB


    Yumna Rihhadatul Aisya 22 Feb 2024, 17:17:16 WIB


    soleha laili ramadhani 28 Feb 2024, 11:42:10 WIB

    i will scholl in here because,I want to experience school without a boarding house, i think i can show my talent in here

    soleha laili ramadhani 28 Feb 2024, 11:44:51 WIB

    I will scholl in here because, i think i can show
    my talent and also i want to feel scholl out

    soleha laili ramadhani 28 Feb 2024, 11:45:26 WIB

    will scholl in here because, i think i can show
    my talent and also i want to feel scholl out

    Soleha Laili ramadhani 28 Feb 2024, 11:49:25 WIB

    Kompetisi ini sangat saya tunggu

    soleha laili ramadhani 28 Feb 2024, 11:58:05 WIB

    maybe i can show my talent in here

    syahira 28 Feb 2024, 12:00:23 WIB

    man 1 keren

    soleha laili ramadhani 28 Feb 2024, 12:00:37 WIB

    maybe i can show my talent in here

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